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Cloudy Day


Coaching is a powerful and dynamic process that creates profound opportunity for personal and professional learning and growth. As an accredited Coach with many years of experience, I have developed a wide range of tools and techniques to support you effectively on your journey of transformation.

Coaching can be used effectively to make progress on a wide range of themes and intentions. It can be offered as a team process and on a one-to-one coaching basis. 

Get in touch for a free 30-minute consultation and see how we might work together. 

"Sarah and her approach comes with my highest recommendation. She is calm, warm, thoughtful, friendly, curious, clear, intentional, insightful, full of integrity and professional. She  is masterful at creating a comfortable space that feels paced, safe and secure."

Suzanne Lyons, Vision Strategist

Casual Meeting

One to One Coaching

Coaching can be used effectively to make progress on a wide range of themes and intentions including:

  • Growing your confidence 

  • Developing your business or leadership skills

  • Developing more effective professional relationships, including managing upwards

  • Managing a difficult relationship 

  • Developing your assertiveness 

  • Career progression

  • Finding purpose and meaning in your work

  • Developing your well-being and resilience

Meeting at the office

Group Coaching

A coaching approach is an effective intervention for creating change at the team or group level. Common themes include:

  • Navigating team tensions where conflict has grown beyond normal and healthy levels  

  • ​Peer Coaching where a group with mutual interests comes together to help each other navigate common challenges

  • Inclusive innovation and decision making where teams come together to share ideas and insights in a facilitated group conversation​


Core Coaching Principles

  • An optimistic view of human nature: Each of us is always doing the best we can at any given moment

  • Through awareness comes change: When we become aware of unhelpful habits or ways of being, this creates clarity so that changes can be made

  • Self-accountability: A coach may provide feedback, challenge you to think differently or suggest hypotheses for what might be happening, but they will never tell you what to do

Coaching is a flexible service that can be offered on-line from the comfort of your own home or in-person. Typically, the initial session involves exploring your coaching intentions, including what you hope to achieve from the process, why this is important and things you have tried so far. From here, a coaching plan is developed based on your goals and how you like to work. 

Each session will involve the coach using deep listening techniques and insightful questions to facilitate awareness building.  Sometimes, exercises are suggested to aid your thinking or access what your intuition or instinct already knows.


For coaching to be effective, it must be built on a foundation of mutual trust, non-judgement and confidentiality. This is because coaching provides a safe container for you to share openly about your experience and personal blockers.

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